
Working With A Family Doctor

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Working With A Family Doctor

About 10 years ago, my friend convinced me to switch to a new family doctor. Our new physician was caring, enthusiastic, and extremely detail oriented. When he performed physicals, he didn't hesitate to order blood work or to investigate a strange symptom. This year, that great care really paid off. My doctor discovered a small skin lesion, which turned out to be cancerous. This blog is all about the benefits of working with a professional family doctor. Check out these articles to find out how to choose a health care clinic, and what types of symptoms you should report to your doctor. You never know, it could save your life.


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Laprascopic Versus The Da Vinci Hysterectomy: Which Is Right For You?

If you have recently learned that you need a hysterectomy, you are not alone. About one third of women under the age of 60 receive that surgical procedure each year in the United States, for a variety of different reasons. Today, two common options for removal of the uterus and or/ovaries are the laparoscopic and Da Vinci procedures. Although both are minimally invasive, one is often a more appropriate choice in certain situations. In addition, when compared to a standard, abdominal hysterectomy, both procedures offer a faster recovery period that can be as little as two weeks and fewer post-surgical complications.

Do You Understand How A Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Works?

A laparoscopic hysterectomy can be done in one of two ways. The LAVH, or laparasopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy, may be an option for you if you have a smaller fibroid and uterus, and if you have never had a c-section. This procedure is less expensive than the Da Vinci procedure and is both popular and safe. Your uterus would be removed vaginally.

If you have multiple or big fibroids, a large uterus or you have had one or more cesarean sections, a total laparoscopic procedure is often recommended. It will usually be done either through your abdomen or your navel. Instead of the large cuts that are required for a standard removal of reproductive organs, multiple smaller incisions are used.

What Makes The Da Vinci Hysterectomy Different?

The Da Vinci procedure varies from other hysterectomies because of the way it is provided. Your surgeon will direct the robot that is physically doing the surgery and technically, your surgeon could do the procedure from miles away. That rarely happens with this type of surgery. Instead, he or she is more likely to be in your immediate vicinity and another doctor will be standing by you. If a complication were to occur, your doctors are right there to step in.

One advantage that the Da Vinci hysterectomy offers over other choices is the 3-D images it provides. The ability to see clearly the size, shape and consistency of the uterus and other organs provides valuable information that cannot be accessed as clearly in other ways. Some surgeons prefer the Da Vinci procedure when cancer is present, due to the details it provides. It is important to note that this procedure is more expensive than a typical laprascopic hysterectomy, which makes sense when you consider that it is new and high-tech.

In conclusion, hysterectomies are one of the most common surgical procedures performed in the United States and is often necessary due to uterine disorders or pain, cancer, fibroids or other common maladies. If you and your physician are sure that you are ready have a hysterectomy, it is a good idea to ask if the Da Vinci procedure is appropriate for your situation.

To learn more, contact a company like Caring For Women