
Working With A Family Doctor

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Working With A Family Doctor

About 10 years ago, my friend convinced me to switch to a new family doctor. Our new physician was caring, enthusiastic, and extremely detail oriented. When he performed physicals, he didn't hesitate to order blood work or to investigate a strange symptom. This year, that great care really paid off. My doctor discovered a small skin lesion, which turned out to be cancerous. This blog is all about the benefits of working with a professional family doctor. Check out these articles to find out how to choose a health care clinic, and what types of symptoms you should report to your doctor. You never know, it could save your life.


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2 Things You Can Do To Manage Anxiety

Anxiety is a life changing illness that can affect every part of your life. In the beginning you may feel like it is just an overreaction to your surroundings, but overtime you will soon realize that the anxiety that you feel is not normal and it is actually inhibiting your ability to live a normal life. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to help manage your anxiety.

1. Medication

One of the best ways to manage anxiety is through both counseling and medication. This is because it is important to recognize that in many cases the anxiety is caused by an actual chemical imbalance in the brain. There are some situations where the anxiety is caused by a life event, and is completely situational, and in this case counseling may be enough. However, in many cases the anxiety presents itself without the person experiencing any trauma, and just progresses over time. This would be a sign that it is a chemical imbalance and needs to be treated just like high blood pressure, or diabetes.

When you take a medication specifically designed for anxiety, the medication helps your brain to effectively process the chemicals in your brain. For example, the hormones may be present in the brain that help to self-soothe during a stressful time, but the reuptakers aren't working properly, which causes the hormones not be to used. By taking a medication called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), you can be sure that there are enough hormones, and that the reuptakers are working properly.

2. Counseling

Even if you are taking medication, you should still consider counseling. These two work together to help you manage the illness in the best way possible. When you go to counseling, the therapist will help you to find ways to soothe yourself when the anxiety attacks hit. You may learn things about yourself that can help to identify when you are starting to get worked up and how you can calm yourself down.

In addition, the therapist can help you identify triggers and how to deal with them. Anxiety is usually triggered by certain things, and it is important to recognize what things make the anxiety worse. By figuring out what kinds of things make the anxiety worse and better, you can start to manage the problem on your own.

By understanding that anxiety is a complicated problem that shouldn't be taken lightly you can get the help that you need with medication and counseling.

To learn more, contact a quality health care clinic like Burnsville Family Physicians