
Working With A Family Doctor

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Working With A Family Doctor

About 10 years ago, my friend convinced me to switch to a new family doctor. Our new physician was caring, enthusiastic, and extremely detail oriented. When he performed physicals, he didn't hesitate to order blood work or to investigate a strange symptom. This year, that great care really paid off. My doctor discovered a small skin lesion, which turned out to be cancerous. This blog is all about the benefits of working with a professional family doctor. Check out these articles to find out how to choose a health care clinic, and what types of symptoms you should report to your doctor. You never know, it could save your life.


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What Can Anorexia Treatment Do For You?

Diets can be adopted in healthy ways, but dieting behavior can also be taken to an unhealthy extreme. Some people who are preoccupied with their weight develop anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder that causes people to restrict their caloric intake to an unhealthy degree. Anorexia can be dangerous both physically and mentally. If you struggle with anorexia, you'll need appropriate treatment in order to recover. Here are a few things that anorexia medical treatment can do for people with this eating disorder:

1. Help patients regain vital weight

Low body weight can put people at risk for many diseases, such as osteoporosis and heart disease. Severe anorexia can cause organ damage, tooth loss, and even hair loss. Regaining weight can be a struggle for anorexic patients, who often see weight gain as a threat to their well-being. Patients with severe malnutrition are at risk for refeeding syndrome if food isn't carefully reintroduced back into their lives. Anorexia medical treatment will help patients gain weight in healthy, safe ways. Patients will be monitored to ensure they eat their meals and do not purge them afterward.

2. Provide counseling for psychological healing

Anorexia is a hard disease to treat because it has a psychological basis. Many anorexic patients suffer from body dysmorphia. They may see themselves as overweight when in reality, they are severely underweight. Ongoing counseling is required to help patients adopt a healthier mindset. Some patients develop anorexia as a result of trauma; it can provide a way for patients to feel in control of themselves and their lives. Counseling will help patients develop coping mechanisms they can use that do not involve starvation.

3. Incorporate family members into treatment

The support of people around you is crucial when it comes to healing from anorexia. Many people with anorexia take great pains to hide their condition from others, but family input can prevent restrictive behavior and relapses. Family involvement is especially important for teenagers who still live at home. Family members can be incorporated into anorexia treatment in the form of family counseling sessions. During these sessions, an emphasis will be placed on supporting the family member who is struggling with anorexia nervosa.

4. Prevent relapses

It's common for anorexic patients to relapse, but the likelihood of a relapse can be reduced with ongoing therapy. Many eating disorder treatment centers offer ongoing therapy for recovering patients. Touching base with a therapist weekly or biweekly can help recovering patients maintain a healthy relationship with food.

Contact a local medical professional to learn more about anorexia treatment.