
Working With A Family Doctor

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Working With A Family Doctor

About 10 years ago, my friend convinced me to switch to a new family doctor. Our new physician was caring, enthusiastic, and extremely detail oriented. When he performed physicals, he didn't hesitate to order blood work or to investigate a strange symptom. This year, that great care really paid off. My doctor discovered a small skin lesion, which turned out to be cancerous. This blog is all about the benefits of working with a professional family doctor. Check out these articles to find out how to choose a health care clinic, and what types of symptoms you should report to your doctor. You never know, it could save your life.


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4 Health Conditions That May Benefit From Nutrient IV Therapy

Intravenous transfusions allow medical practitioners to inject fluids, nutrients, and medication directly into a patient's veins. Nutrient IV therapy utilizes this method of administration to deliver hydrating saline and beneficial nutrients to the body. IV therapy can help people feel better after a hard workout or a night of drinking. It may also relieve the symptoms of some health concerns. These are four conditions that may benefit from the use of nutrient IV therapy:

1. Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues often have both physiological and psychological bases. Poor nutrition can exacerbate mental issues like depression and anxiety. Mental illnesses can also make it difficult for people to eat adequate meals, which can lead to unwanted weight loss. Nutrient IV therapy can help people who struggle to eat enough food to still get the nutrition they need. Restoring adequate nutrients to your body may also lessen some of the symptoms of mental illnesses.

2. Injuries

When the body is injured, it needs rest and nutrition in order to heal. It also needs fluids to help the process of carrying toxins out of the body. Whether you injured yourself playing sports or you're recovering from a medical procedure, such as surgery, nutrient IV therapy may help you heal more quickly by providing all the building blocks your body needs to regenerate tissue and heal wounds.

3. Fatigue

Fatigue can be caused by a number of conditions. Some health conditions, such as fibromyalgia and arthritis, can cause chronic fatigue. Fatigue can also occur when you're burned out or struggling with insomnia. Ultimately, there's no replacement for a good night's sleep. However, nutrient IV therapy can help you combat the symptoms of fatigue, especially if dehydration is exacerbating the condition. Nutrient IV therapy instantly hydrates the body intravenously. This can be helpful for people who don't remember to drink enough water on a daily basis.

4. Pain

Pain can negatively affect the body in a number of ways. Untreated chronic pain can rewire your neural pathways to become more sensitive to negative stimuli, leading to more pain. Pain can also prevent you from sleeping and degrade your mental health. People with pain often suffer from inflammation, as well, since inflammation is the body's attempt to protect itself from injury. Nutrient IV therapy can help to flush toxins out of your body, which may decrease inflammation naturally. Furthermore, addressing vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin D deficiency, can reduce associated aches and pains.